Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Balance Is Tiring.

In the last five days I have been a party girl, a mother, a housekeeper, a rocker, an Oscar invite and... tired.

Friday began with the usual fun. 18 loads of laundry followed by 4 sinks full of dishes and 51 bathrooms to clean. (Oh wait, I think my numbers were off... 5 loads of laundry, 2 sinks full of dishes and 1 bathroom to clean.)

But to make up for all that physical labour I was lucky enough to get to celebrate a friend's birthday with some hilarious and gorgeous ladies in a fabulous restaurant followed by dancing ALL NIGHT LONG.
Now DANCING ALL NIGHT LONG is not a normal event for me. I suffer from dance-o-phobia. It's the result of having both rhythm and coordination that refuse to work together. This illness was quickly healed in the presence of an excellent house band and three chicks who danced like they were Jennifer Lopez herself! At one point during the evening as Footloose was blasting through the sound system I am pretty sure I was channeling Kevin Bacon. (Some may argue but let me live in my dream world.)

The only downside was that my body has never been forced to contort like a go-go dancer for any length of time and my morning wake up call was at 7am despite the fact that I only crawled achingly into bed after 3am.

To make up for this MAD behaviour The Hubby and I spent Saturday night curled up in bed with the kiddos watching a movie until we all passed out.

Sunday decided that a break was not going to happen yet and I visited an adorable (but sick) puppy (baby) with a close friend. So sad to see tubes in a little nose. (I think it may have been the cleanest/newest hospital I have ever been in?)

Later that night I attended an Oscar party with a crowd of ladies who knew how to keep me laughing! I also wore some of my CherryApple Art pieces for practice. You may not know it yet but one day I will attend the Oscars AND my pieces will be shown off and the question will be asked: "Who is the designer?" and I will giggle and squeal and possibly faint. In the meantime I am working on my thank you speech.

No, the craziness has not finished yet.
I spent Monday morning at a super cool bead store with a friend and our girls and then The Hubby and I hopped off to the MUSE! concert in Toronto.
We stood for hours watching as this stupidly brilliant band made our heads explode! Seriously how is anyone THAT good on guitar?!
I have one complaint though:

Dear Mr. Drunk, Obnoxious, Ignorant 6ft 10ins Man,
You suck. I just thought you should know. I am only 5ft 5ins and you were so intoxicated that every time I politely tapped your shoulder and asked you to MOVE! You said "YEAH YEAH" and then you DID NOT MOVE! I feel obligated to inform you that you smell, your hair was ugly and that girl you kept hitting on THOUGHT YOU WERE A PIG!
Irritated Short Chick Glaring At You.

Oh, you thought I was finished? Yeah, still no.
Today I met with the owner of a wicked adorable boutique in Toronto called DEW. They only carry the most stunning items you could dream of... and now, THEY CARRY MY STUFF!!! Booo Yeah!!!
Are you as excited as I am? You should be!

I have officially found balance. I had time with my girls, time with The Hubby, time with The Kiddos and did Business-ie things!
Balance takes a lot more work than I'm used to.
Fun, but tiring.
Now I am going to catch up on, um, 5 nights of missed sleep and return to my imbalanced life...rested.

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